One Minute Sermon You Must See!

February 24, 2010


I recently attended a 2 day Women's Conference with Lisa Bevere entitled Moving Forward.  She is an awesome woman of God!  The jist of her message  was a call to action to the women of the Church...God's Church, the Body of Christ.  A call to actively do something!  The fact is that God has called each of us to do more than to love him.  We are to love one another.   Jesus gave us a just one new commandment before he left:
34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  John 13:34-35
It's easy for us to say that we love our neighbors, actually pretty easy to do when our kids play together, we chat with each other over our picket fences, they water our flowers for us when we are on vacation, invite us to BBQ's, we watch the big game together. But what if... our neighbor is a prostitute or gay or infected with AIDS?  What if he's an addict, is elderly, or a poor widow with children, homeless, fatherless, lonely, destitute, abused, hungry?  Those are the neighbors Jesus was referring to.  Not such a pleasant thought now, is it?   Look around you.  No, I mean really look!  Most of us try not too look to closely.  It's uncomfortable.  Easier to look the other way.  After all, what can we do? We are just one person, right?   WRONG! Together we are many.  Not every one was called to the mission field in a 3rd world country .  We have our own mission field right here in America, our own backyard.  My goal with this blog is to bring to light the needs all around us.  We can do what God has called us to do one person at a time, one family at a time, we can right one wrong at a time.  Let's start a chain reaction of love! 

I'm asking you to look around your community and see the needs.  Decide what you can do and take action.  It could be as simple as visiting someone in a nursing home, reporting suspected abuse when your tendency is to "not get involved, it's none of my business".  Well darnit, it's God's business, so it's your business!  I'm asking you to pray fervently about it.  Ask God to show you what he wants you to do, to open your eyes to see where you can make a difference.  Because if we would get off our butts and take action, just do something, we can make a difference.  I hope you will think long and hard about what you can do. I hope you will continue reading this blog and be inspired.  I hope you will share it with as many people as you can.

The Call to Action God placed in my heart is to start a revolution to uncover places of darkness in our communities and bring them into the light.  Light overcomes darkness every time.  It must!  I hope you will be inspired to leave a comment about the needs in your community.  Let us know what you do to show love in your community, and what your call to action for the sake of others will be.  Let's be accountable to each other.  Take action this week and let us know about it!
You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature ; rather, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13

Shine your light in the darkness.
God Bless You,
Celene Harrelson


  1. I've been watching a little bit of the olympics and am amazed at the abilities of those athletes.

    But even watching them, I get reminded that though our world highly values these well-trained olympians and deeply disvalues the homeless single mother on the steet, God doesn't. He sees them the same. He values them equally. And so should we.

    Heather Ruppert

  2. I love your blog and can sense the burden God has placed on your heart. I too had that burden and that is why I began the supprot Group Families Anonymous. Our community is in crisis, people are dying and families are being destroyed, as Satan has been allowed to roam to and fro; NO MORE! I too have decided it is time to take it back. I no longer believe the lies that the enemy throws at us, there is hope, God is greater and able to restore and change lives, and I want to take that to the hurting people in this community and share what I know to be true and encourage them to want and have it as well. When God said go, I went. God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. He will prepare you for whatever it is he is calling you to do. I encourage you to do something! Being saved is not enough, although it is the right place to start, there is so much more we can and should be doing to furhter the kingdom, God commands it, and if you truly love him, you will want to! God Bless, and pray for our group that supports families of addicts and others with behavioral issues. I know many lives will be touched and changed by it.


I'd love to know what you think. Please leave your ideas and comments.
God's Blessings!